A few weeks ago, the wee Pancake (my daughter, age 6), and I were waiting for a table at the Olive Garden. It was crowded.
Some dude was using his cellphone while clogging our space. Very loudly.
He says,
My head whips around, jaw dropped in disbelief.
I mean, it's not like you can miss a small child standing LESS THAN A FOOT AWAY.
This is what we do while waiting for things, we thumb wrestle.
I look directly at Pancake. She has a smile on her face. A naughty smile. Eyes all wide. She knows swears have been said in her vincity.
I decide to take the bull by the horns, acknowledge the swear, call it out for the ugliness it is. I say, "Did you hear what that man said?,"
"Yes!", she peeped. "That man called somebody a stupid fish!"
And no, I didn't correct her :)
OK For this you get one of my favorite songs!
Ladies and Gents:
Reel Big Fish
DAMMIT!!! Who wants to be in a band with me??? Come on!! I could totally be the lead singer, I mean, what I lack in vocal talent I would totally make up for with my babeness!!!
The Character Builder's Bible
6 years ago
10 Left a message at the beep:
I rock at Guitar Hero on beginner.
Does that help?
Sure does Earl!!!
You'll play lead!!
Now, we need a bassist, drummer (to start anyway :)
I'm in....I want to play the tamborine, like the girl on the Partridge Family.
ROCK ON Sista #2!
Mrs. Hall-lead vocals
Earl-lead guitar hero
Sista #2-tamborine
and this just in . . .
Mr. Hall on COW BELL!!!
who's next???
Oooh...I was just about to suggest Bergman for cowbell. Could be be backup cowbell?
I would totally rock out the drums. I keep awesome time. And, my little bro is a drummer, so he could teach me to be like Tommy Lee in a few easy lessons...
What is our band name?
OH HELLS YEAH Bergman can play the cowbell, Mr. Hall can do other things!! :)
Here's the new line up:
Mrs. Hall-Lead vocals, lyrics
Cam: Drums, lyrics
Earl: Lead guitar hero
Mr. Hall: rythm guitar hero, zombie killer
Bergman: Cowbell
Sista #2: Tamborine
Ok still need a bassist, but
the name
Potter's Ground
anyone have other suggestions?
ohh nice . . .
Is this a jazz ensemble? I play jazz trumpet.
If fish are stupid why does fish oil increase our IQs?
Ole Blue: DUDE! yes, you are in the band with the trumpet, all jazz solo and everything.
and i am not sure about the fish . . . . . :)
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