Today is our wedding anniversary.
Eight years ago, I married the best man walking.
Eight years ago, I married the best man walking.

I could thank him for a thousand things, but I'll pick the top five.
To my Husband, Mr. Hall
1. Thank you for leaning in whenever I talk.
2. Thank you for helping calm my crazy woman, ADD, nervous Wife and Mom energies.
3. Thank you for what you know what. And let me thank you again for that ;)
4. Thank you for supporting me without question and helping make my dreams come true.
5. And above all, thank you for loving me like you do, for making me your Wife and knocking me up and giving me these beautiful babies.

I love you so much. Happy Anniversary Love!
Here's our song...I can't help but cry when I listen to it. Gets me every time.
Here's our song...I can't help but cry when I listen to it. Gets me every time.
5 Left a message at the beep:
Happy Anniversary, Mr. & Mrs. Hall, here's to many more years of wedded bliss to come!!!
Wow. What a lovely song. Got me all misty.
Happy Anniversary!!
My husband and I will have been together 11 years on Halloween.
My heart still skips a beat when he gets out of the shower all wet and shirtless.
Most women get all sweet and sappy on thier anniversary. Based on what you wrote, I can tell you really must love the guy. That is no nonsense, hard light of day love. Good stuff.
SNUBA! sweet.
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