Thursday, October 8, 2009

I launch a protest, universe fails to care

When I was a kid I started protesting the end of summer. The night before school started I would stand in my driveway, barefoot. I would stand right in front of my yellow garage, looking up at the moon. I remember promising the moon I would be back, that this was not the end of it! I remember taking it all in, squishing it inside my heart. Promising the plump summer moon I would be back. This was my protest.

As an adult, I mostly protest by denial. I keep believing that this cold spell of say, mid 50's, is just a fluke. That next week everything will be right as rain. I don't participate in any discussion that begins with, "Sure is getting colder out there." I have no patience with anyone that says, "I can't believe summer is over". They are nuts! NUTZ!!!

I firmly believe that sunny skies and 80 degree weather are just ahead.

Then the leaves start turning. I dig deeper into my denial.

Then I start noticing my outfits. Memorizing what I am wearing and how it feels on my skin. The summer before last I was wearing a cotton green tanktop and gray sweatshorts. I was standing barefoot, at the end of my driveway watching the kids drawing with sidewalk chalk.

It felt wonderful, this was my yoga outfit. I felt so awesome with my flatter tummy, strong exposed legs. I felt calm, peaceful and fierce all at the same time. It was the last outfit of summer.

This summer I was wearing dark blue jeans and an eggplant colored, v neck , short sleeve shirt. All cotton, all fitted close to show my strength and curves. It was feminine and sensual. I was barefoot at the park with my kids. I was digging my toes in the cool sand and watching the lake. The sun was warming my arms, neck and small of my back. I felt so warm and calm. So peaceful. Very beautiful. That was the last outfit of this summer.

The last stage of protest involves not wearing a coat. I refuse to wear a coat until I see snow. And even when there is snow I hold off. "Don't you have a winter coat?", People say. I say, "I have heated leather seats! This sweater will do the job! I only have to get to building from my car!" And people think I'm nuts and I am. but. bah.

this year.

Alas, my protest is gone unheard. I'm going to have to move up my coat wearing schedule.

Because the universe doesn't stop for me. It just dumps a bunch of cold rain and fall winds. The kind that have icy, biting underpinnings.

It'll be ok though, I promise. I'll find a fabulous jacket, all sorts of awesome. One that is worthy of Mrs. Hall. That coat up there btw. No, not worthy of anything except being called really tacky!

And don't worry, just give it a few months and the warm summer sun and plump summer moon will be back. I promise!

Now, who wants to go shopping? :)

8 Left a message at the beep:

Bruce Johnson said...

One of the good things about being a man, is that we don't care about fashion......if it feels good wear it, regardless of the weather.

Mrs. Hall said...


Joanna Jenkins said...

"I'm going to have to move up my coat wearing schedule." Ha!!!
Great post.

Verdant Earl said...

We had a bit of a last blast of Summer today. It was real nice wearing shorts and sandals again.

Mrs. Hall said...

JJ: So, do you even own a coat in CA?

hee hee hee ;)

Earl: I have no idea what you are talking about with the 'last blast' of summer. Summer isn't over yet!!!! NO NOT YET!@!!!!

Mrs. Hall said...

JJ: So, do you even own a coat in CA?

hee hee hee ;)

Earl: I have no idea what you are talking about with the 'last blast' of summer. Summer isn't over yet!!!! NO NOT YET!@!!!!

Slyde said...

i refuse to beleive summer is over too.

im still wearing short sleeves to work, and not wearing a jacket yet (and im freaking freezing!)

Mrs. Hall said...



(and we'll just keep shivering dammit!! cause summer's not over yet!!!! :)

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