3 big happenings before the Christmas holiday.
1. I'm leaving my job.
I've worked long and hard to get where I am. And now I've been poached because of my skills. People keep stopping by and saying they'll miss me. I feel the same. When you spend 40 hours a week with folks for eight years you tend to get attached. I love this place to a large degree. But I need more growth in my professional skills and bank account. This was my first real job as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. I was just a wee bebe when I came here. It's the house where I grew up in. And even more so, that makes it time to leave...
2. We've a new foster daughter that came 2 weeks ago and she's leaving tomorrow. She was our 10th bonus kid. That's a lot of kids floating away when I think about it.
She is our 10th bonus kid. I fell in love with her immediately because she is exactly the kind of kid we want to adopt. 10 years old, full of life, ready to bond and she folded right in. If you could see my heart it would look like this right now.
Geez, what a mess. I know this will be super duper hard but I'll survive. I'll heal up but right now, so much sad. I know this isn't about me. I know she has family that'll be welcoming and safe. But wow, what a mess!
3. MY GYM. I'm breaking up with crossfit.
I got a personal trainer. Breaking up with a gym and it's people that you've been with for four years is tough. But for this, I know I need to move on.
And so no I press onward.
Merry Christmas Y'all!!
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