Monday, March 16, 2009

Daddy- as viewed by Pancake

"Daddy, when you come here, why do you take care of things?"

My daughter says this after recieving a five minute warning to finish up her breakfast. She has been sloooowwwwllly eating for about twenty minutes at this point. (Daddy comes up every weekend as we relocate to a new city).

I peak my head around the corner, curious about what she means by this.

"What do you mean Pancake, that Daddy takes care of things?"

She doesn't say anything. She is thinking, using her six year old logic and understanding of the situation.

"Well, Grandma lets me watch tv when I am eat breakfast and Daddy says no." she says.

You can tell she is not upset by this, just sort of stumped by it. Well, she is irritated, I mean, who doesn't want to watch a little Spongebob while eating cereal?

"Daddy is full of rules sweetheart. Daddy thinks about things. " He says this without any doubt in his voice.

And it is true. He is a Daddy who keeps everything in line. And I cannot wait until all the rules and routines and OUR ways of parenting are back in place. And it will might be hard for the kids, adjusting to life without cable, tvs in every room, corndogs for dinner. But there is no doubt how much they are loved, how much we care for them.

le sigh

Tonight I will be looking at a house. And the process of putting everything back into place-will begin in earnest. :)

4 Left a message at the beep:

Cam said...

Woo-Hoo, Mrs!!

I will be so glad for you when you get into your new place!! I know that you are beyond ready!

Congrats to the tribe called Hall!

Slyde said...

ah, the life of a dad.

i too am the rules enforcer in my house. when i get cross with my little one he half jokingly runs to his mother and calls me the "big bad wolf"

Big Pissy said...

Awwwww.....sounds like a good daddy. :)

GeologyJoe said...

engineering dad is a good dad.

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