Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Posting about shrinkage, most every Wednesday (this week is a bit goofy)

These posts are about my quest for health, they happen most Wednesdays. I am losing weight and gaining strength. All while sharing with you. Feel free to share back :)

I also write about The Biggest Loser on ABC. However, that program is two hours long. And really, that sort of thing must be recorded and viewed sans the commercials. It will be up prol'l on Thursday. I mean, COME ON, two hours?

So, let's begin:

Health Goals from last week:
I can never remember what my health goals were from last week for these posts.
I mean, seriously, I have two small kids, I am glad to remember my name half the time.

(hee hee)

Speaking of which, there is a woman at my work actually named Holly. She has an office near me. It is creepy because every time I hear her name I look to see if they are addressing me. Well, most of the time. Huh. Then I have to remember, oh yeah, that is just my blog name.

Still. Creepy. And I wonder about the blurred lines here. I think it is ok, I mean, as long as I don't start introducing myself as Holly Hall. When that happens, the blog will go away for a bit while the author recovers her senses.

OK-Back to health.

Part of all of this, actively attacking my health issues, requires me to cut through a lot of chatter in my head. Like most writers, I am an introspective and analytical type. And I am prone to anxiety. So, as I start to really implement change, I get scared and start my thinking in overdrive.

Which is a baseline pattern for me. It wasn't until I met Mr. Hall, that I noticed this. Well he noticed it and pointed it out to me. And because he is an engineer by nature, he introduced me to the concept of energy conservation. Of spending my energy wisely and being efficient. And a thousand violins began to play.

What this means is, is that I am scared shitless of getting up at 5 am, working out, doing the wee weight program the helpful staff designed for me, going home, showering, getting dressed, getting the kids ready, and getting to work by 8 am. Scared shitless.

And I work through the scenario in my head. It seems impossible to me right now. I am scared. And the chatter starts and I begin to think too much. This begins to drain my energy and motivation.


And breathe……

All that energy is best spent elsewhere. All that energy can go into chasing the kids, painting my toes, or massaging the husband. Blogging . . . .

And really, all the hyper thinking, analyzing and worrying…. It's just bullshit. Bullshit and noise to keep me from being healthy.

Bullshit that I can easily leap over. Which I will.

After all, those girly guns aren't going to build themselves.
It begins tomorrow people.
As God as my witness it shall begin!!!

8 Left a message at the beep:

Kate said...

AMEN Sistah!! Go build them girly guns and no more brain clutter. You can do it. Piece of low-carb, low-fat, lite, cake! Or, an apple. Okay.

And, Biggest Loser is now conflicting with my other guilty secret show, American Idol..

(please don't hate me because I watch that drivel, it's just so fluffy and fun..)

GeologyJoe said...

Drivel is great.

HH: I am working on the tricep exercises you requested. Im going to use Wife as my model and gear it towards the female forms. I may have it up in week or so. It's a busy week.

James said...

You are going to start getting up at 5 to workout? Well good luck but can't you do it at a civilized time in the evening? Just suggesting...

Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!

Big Pissy said...

Go, Girl! You can do it!

But seriously? 5 a.m. ?????

That alone would keep me from working out. 5 a.m. is like the middle of the night to me.

Is there anyway you could work out on your lunch hour maybe?

Girl Guns! Yea! :)

Michelle said...

Hi Holly,
Yes while i realize 5am is an ungodly horrible time of the day to do just about anything, think of it this way....

It will be over in the morning and then all day long you won't have to think about it again until evening!!!!

I have no idea what i am saying, i woke at 5am for a 5 mile run!!!


Mrs. Hall said...

Kate: No judgement here! I thoroughly enjoy drivel. I just don't get to watch on account of the ever needy kids :)

Geo-Joe: Excellent! Thanks!

James: I have to get up at five because well, there is not choice. It is what it is and what it is a wonderful opportunity to grow. right? right???

Hapi: Thanks for the spam. best of luck with fucking up things on the web.

Big Pissy: No, no way on the lunch hour. No, no choice. But again, no choice but to get stronger and be healthier right? right??? :)

Michelle: THAT's what i'm talking about! Go five mile run!!!

Mrs. Hall said...

Kate: No judgement here! I thoroughly enjoy drivel. I just don't get to watch on account of the ever needy kids :)

Geo-Joe: Excellent! Thanks!

James: I have to get up at five because well, there is not choice. It is what it is and what it is a wonderful opportunity to grow. right? right???

Hapi: Thanks for the spam. best of luck with fucking up things on the web.

Big Pissy: No, no way on the lunch hour. No, no choice. But again, no choice but to get stronger and be healthier right? right??? :)

Michelle: THAT's what i'm talking about! Go five mile run!!!

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