These are from a series of emails between me and Mr. Hall. He's away on business for a while. Our snowblower is causing me to become unglued.
yeah, snow. well, thanks to our neighbor, I know how to start the snowblower so it's all good. It does sputter and smell and sputter when I push it around. Is that normal? It still vexes me, the sputtering. I don't want to look like an idiot out there, with all the neighbor guys snow blowing. Plus, I need to work on my technique, aka NOT BLOWING SNOW WHERE I JUST PLOWED. HA! (notice I still have a sense of humor)
HEY BABE! NEED TIPS ON SNOWBLOWING! like where and how do I plow the driveway. do I start in the middle? towards the sides? do i plow parrellell to the garage door, or perpendicural?
For some reason, despite 18 emails exchanges that day, we don't actually address this question.
ok. at work. getting it done and my shoulders are lowering. i just feel so self conscious and stupid with that snowblower. I have a master's degree. I should be able to figure out snowblowing!! aagghhheerreee!!!
Mr. Hall feels compelled to address this. Up until now he has mostly steered every conversation to um . . marital relations. He says . . .
So proud of youuuu. Just use logic babe. Remember that the chute does turn and angle. The plow comes down the street so you want to put most of the snow opposite the mailbox so the plow doesn't push it all back into the driveway. The knob with lines is called the choke. After a few minutes, turn the choke off and it will run much better. Safety first! Lumu
I write back:
I don't get what you are saying about the mailbox and stupid choke!
so I guess i still don't know which way to plow the driveway. up and down (from garage door to street with chute turned to the side l/r)?
little help with strategy please!!
And finally, after three days, I have the last piece of the snow blowing puzzle:
The mailbox needs to be clear for the mailman and the plow pushes from that way anyways. So try to blow all snow to the right side of the driveway. I start by making a wide path on left going down then blow strips horizontally. Try to not blow into the wind...
2 Left a message at the beep:
This could be a spot on conversation between my wife and I if we lived in Iowa right now (where she claims to want to move, after her parents pass away). So you aren't the only one. Just keep reminding know what Hummus won't be blowing snow forever.
yes, not forever!
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